Monday, February 28, 2011

Rambling Sands Horse Trek

Having logged all of 9 mins on a horse, mostly just standing in place, it was time to jump to the more experienced stage. Knowing Jo's love for horse riding we took advantage of one of the many horse trail riding adventures where in 90mins I could smash my previous record of horse riding (at one time). Magic was Jo's date while I ended up with a big, slow Clydesdale named Whisky. The ride consisted of a jungle-bush ride that ended at the coast line through the sand-dunes, presenting a spectacular view of the surroundings. In the jungle we came across several spiders that could kill your cousin, large monitor lizards, but thank god no snakes. Dragon's teeth ran the entire coast slightly inland from the dunes. For those not familiar with these, they are old WW2 relics that prevent enemy tanks (Japanese) from advancing in the event of an invasion. The ride was later punctuated by some trotting which as many inexperienced male riders can attest to, if you are not in rhythm, your bits and pieces end up the target of violent movements. No doubt we should do this again.

 Jo and "Magic"
                              My big boy "Whisky"
                             A look back into the Jungle
Nice bum
          The size difference between my huge arms and the childs is notable.
                       From the Jungle to the Dunes

Some horses just don't like their riders, this poor little girl was knocked off when her pony decided to take a sand bath.
Reminds me of home on the farm near Mo Snyder's, a real cowboy.

Dragon's Teeth.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Soldiers Point...

One of the many little communities in the Port Stephen's area, Soldier's Point remains on of its little developed and hidden communities. Dar, one of my collegues at the practice took us for a tour that eventually ended up at her place. Her backyard is what Jo and I imagined an Aussie backyard would be, part jungle, part civil, all wound up into one interesting time. In the back there are several large bird cages for all her large tropical birds, along with an open area for some free range chickens. Probably the oddest looking chickens i have ever seen. In fact they have to give them haircuts every month. This is surrounds a large hammock, pool, pond and palm trees. Even a family of owls live above the back door.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Tack sa Mycket (thank you) for all the well wishes, happy birthdays and gifts i have received. Ingrid och Beo, thanks for the gift Jo and I will enjoy using it taking well deserved night out to see the horses/dogs for some food and fun. Also thanks to JO for your support and character over this move to Australia, Love you girl! xox

Wyatt's Day!

My love

After falsely advertising the wrong date for his birthday on facebook a couple of weeks ago, yesterday was finally Wyatt's real birthday...

The weather didn't really cooperate and it was pretty windy and at times rainy, but Wyatt still managed to squeeze in a couple of hours on the beach getting tossed and thrown in the massive waves.  I stayed on the beach reading and drinking coffee (can you detect a pattern?...)

We finished the day with some weird combo of tacos and burritos as requested by Wyatt and a chocolate cake. I was pretty impressed with my baking skills, only to discover that the recipe came from the kid's section of Jamie Oliver's cook book.... Never mind, it tasted pretty good!!

Windy at Nobby's Beach

Wyatt with his gifts, a retro sports jacket and surf lessons

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Absolute Bottom...

Imagine living with two other people, possibly for life, in a sandstone cage that measures 6x10 feet. To add to your pleasure if you are sleeping on the bottom bunk, you are exactly 2 inches away from the toilet if any of your friends have some business to take care off. Pleasant confines in the Aussie Summer without even a fan, nor in the winter a heater. Alas, huge cockroaches, rats and spiders share you space to top off your day. Where can you find this beautiful place you ask? The well know confines of one of Australia's oldest and hardest maximum security prisons, "The Maitland Gaol." The most suprising thing to know about this place is that it opened in 1840 for English convicts and kept running until.......wait for it.....1998!! Truly an eye opening experience if there is one, it also doubles as a paranormal psychic tour at night due to the large amounts of inmate murders that occurred over the 150 years of use. Enjoy the pics..

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Trip to the Dentist

Well here it is folks, the proof that I actually am working after 13 years of uni!! I am employed by a corporate dental company called Pacific Smiles. I know what everybody thinks, Evil=Corporation but the level of care for customers is excellent. We have 15 different practices over 3 states which employs several specialities including oral surgeons, max-facial surgeons, orthodontist, periodontists, oral medicine ect. Today i have a Swedish tourist in pain....I will be sure to treat this one very carefully....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Johanna Appreciation Day

Valintine's Day is a commercial holiday to make big bucks from blokes like you and I. I refuse to celebrate this day and hense forth this day in my books will be known as Johanna Appreciation Day. Although I dont require a specific day to do this, it was a perfect time to tell the girl i love just how special she is...Vietnamese style. (Nice dress!!!)