Lets see here, its rainy and cold by Australian standards (10-15 degrees) and I am bored out of my mind. Apparently the rainfall we are receiving at the moment is from some circling tropical storm off the coast of New South Wales. Over the past 2 days we have been smashed by over 200mm and there is more flooding, mostly in the north of the state. Briefly, it will let up, such as it did at work for 5 mins to show a brilliant rainbow only to disappear at the next lights 1km away. My poor little car is getting blown off the highway when the 100km winds hit, not a pleasant drive to work (60km away) especially with the idiots speeding and overtaking (nearly rolled the car last night).

My weekends are quite dull now that Jo has left for Sweden, it mainly includes catching fringe tribute bands such as FABBA, who i am not sure who they are trying to mimic...any ideas?? Either way it was free entry at the RSL (return to service..a war vets club), and thankfully so because i nearly threw up the cheap pints after hearing some of the hits that came out of their mouths. Imagne your job dressing up in karate outfits, keeping your hair long and singing for the masses of deaf, drunk, senior citizens...lol
As far as Jo being missing in action, i am happy she is with her family and friends, seeing her happy makes me the same. As for me, i am colder in bed at night, bored on my days off, and definately eating more poorly. Jo is a wonderful cook even if it is just a hobby. Last night i decided to try out some local cuisine, BBQ Kangaroo! I marinated it for 2 days and i have to say it was pretty tasty, kind of like deer meat if you have ever tried that. Anyhow, miss you/love JO...