The weather has improved lately and whilst snorkelling yesterday Wyatt found an Octopus under a shell. It was pretty small, so we kept it in the goggles in a bit of water to get a closer look. Whenever you touched it, it would turn into a beautiful fluorescent blue pattern. After a day on the beach, we came back home and googled it. It turned out our pretty little Octopus is one of the most poisonous of the marine life... it turns blue when threatened. Luckily for us it's pretty docile. I will never ever touch or poke anything from the wild again. Ever.
Apart from being amazed- and scared by animals, we've also been sampling some wine from a couple of the hundred vineyards in the Hunter Valley.
The Lace Monitor came a little bit too close during our picnic
Monitor traces in the sand
Waiting for the low tide (that never got low enough) at the Spit to cross over to a neighbouring island.