The celebration of the Swedish festivities relating to Christmas eve consisted of a very disappointing trip to Sydney Ikea. The lack of favourites like Kalles Kaviar as well as pickled herring (mustard is my fav) made the trip a downer. No worries because Jo's expertise in the areas of Swedish meatballs and mashed taters soon put a settled feeling in this grumpy Canuck's belly. Not to be outdone by the meatball express, the Aussie experience followed by the Canadian were highly anticipated. We were suprised to have been invited to a so called Christmas lunch which yielded a smorgs borg of seafood. To our delight, we were served prawns, fresh oysters, a very large salmon steak, crab legs and an unlimited supply of wine and bubbly. If this weren't enough we were presented with the gift that keeps giving during the "booze exchange." Alas, we had only brought a small token to the party, a small box of Lindt Chocolates. Full and tipsy we were off to cook our very first Xmas turkey along with spuds, stuffing (dressing), and more vino. All i can say is the Aussies are as generous as they come, Johanna is a superb cook, and our Xmas was a complete success.

Obviously we dont need to worry about you getting fed down there..looks like you had a really nice christmas! I tried to text on Johannas swedish mobil, is that one no longer in use? Miss u loads, lots of love! Johanna & Marcus