The catch of the week, by far the most meaty of the fish so far Jo and I were extremely excited while we were rock fishing during the night. Finally a tasty large enough to eat fish that Jo looked up and appeared to be a type of Cod! Sweat bejesus my mouth began watering in the tasty anticipation of not only a dinner but a free dinner. To sum up the disappointment, only after this fish was humanely put down did we learn that she was not a cod but known as the "Old Boot." Why was it known as this you may ask? Because its skin is tough as leather and it has the table qualities of the name. Sad story i know but the fish was put to good use as future bait.
We are entering the overcast and slightly cooler fall. Along with the rain there is a nice array of colorful rainbows that dot our sky, one on my way to work at the lights and the other off of our balcony in the harbour.

This friendly little guy had hitched a ride on my shoulder when we were outside at a Barbie. I believe that this is a praying mantis. Although we have only been living in OZ for 4-5 months you somehow forget that you are living in a truly exotic place. It takes the appearance of some animal or insect to remind you that you are not in Kansas anymore, nor the prairies of Alberta or even the sleepy town of Lund.
And finally the finale. I figured that Johanna would leave out some pics from our trip to Brisbane. Although there are way too many to put up i was certain that she would leave these beauties out. Just so that everybody knows that yes Jo did have a few sparkling drinks to celebrate the entry into the 30's. As you can see here below Johanna proudly shows off the bottle of white sparkling wine that she has demolished. In addition you see that we have taken the others out on our walk through the city, of course we played it safe and had them covered with a bag. Happy B-day Jo, i hope you had some fun because i sure!
Haha, it looks like a wild weekend :-)