Monday, April 2, 2012

Bye Sweden, hello Australia!

I'm back in Oz and with my love after 7 great weeks back home.  It's always so good to see friends and family and to be back on Swedish soil!  A big thank you to all of you, despite busy lives you always make an effort to see me as much as possible.  It means everything to me.  It's terribly sad to say goodbye but I have great memories with me.

Back here I had forgotten how bright and colourful everything is.  Our garden is full of bloom despite it being autumn here(?!) and the weather is surprisingly hot. I caught a cold just in time for my departure, so has been a little bit under the weather the last few days.  The jet lag probably didn't help.  I'm better now though and are looking forward to the week ahead!

 Nice view from my resting place:)


  1. Det ser ljuvligt ut.Skulle inte ha något emot att sitta på den balkongen och bara njuta.
    Får nog ta oss en allvarlig funderare på en återresa.

  2. Oh så härligt det ser ut... blir avundsjuk!
