Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Proud Mudders!

After almost 5 hours of mud, sweat, laughter, pain and exhaustion,  For Muds Sake crossed the finishing line of Tough Mudder Sydney as a team!  I think this is the one of the most physically challenging things I've ever done (I'm yet to give birth).  Our team was so good and we all pushed, dragged and pulled each other through.  There is no way I could have completed it without them.  Wyatt was by my side encouring me through the whole race.  The first 10km were fine and despite some tough obstacles like dirty ice baths, it was ok and I was thinking this was all a piece of cake.  How wrong was I? It got tougher and tougher and outside of the obstacles there were plenty of muddy stretches to get through which meant we were all covered in mud 80 percent of the race.  Wyatt's sore toe and ankle got really bad after the first half but he braved it and struggled through the rest of it.

The obstacles on their own weren't too bad, but when you're tired, wet, muddy and covered with bruises and scratches it gets tough. I was definitely pretty scared climbing the obstacle called the "Berlin Wall".  There were two of them, one very high and one high:) We only have pictures of the small one, but you get the idea.  The "Mud Mile" was a stretch of really sticky mud that sucked you in so badly (yes, there are a lot of different mud types!) that it would take a couple of people to pull you out.

I'm not going to bore you by going through all the obstacles, but I have to mention the very last one. To make our sore and tired bodies suffer even more, they made us run through electrical wires for the few meters.  It was painful.  Wyatt caught a bad one and fell with a few meters left...

So, what's the verdict?  The Though Mudder is tough and muddy.  It didn't leave me as physically exhausted as a really long hilly run for example, but was still somehow so much more of a challenge.
I'm incredibly sore and stiff today.  I had mud absolutely everywhere yesterday; in the crack of my 
arse, in my bellybutton, under my cuticles?! (nagelband) etc.  I don't think I would do it again but I'm 
damn proud of myself and our team! 


  1. It´s extremely impressing that you did it both of you!! Can imaging that you are sore..Hope you enjoy your weekend even more now that it´s over. Hugs!


  2. I think you guys are awesome for doing this! Cass wants to do it next year so you'll have to tell him all about it:) Enjoy your weekend away. Love and miss you both,

