Monday, January 10, 2011

Australian Shark and Ray Center and The Dumb Tourist

This weekend we travelled into the Port Stephens area to check out the shark and ray center where you can be fleeced of 28 dollars a piece. Included in the package is a piece of dowling wood with a clothes pin attached on the end where you put one of your rotten shrimp/squid for feeding. Although you get to touch the same stingray species as the one that killed the legend Steve "crocodile hunter" Irwin, molesting ugly aquatic marine life only stays fun for 30-45mins (or until the food ran out). The highlight, wasn't touching the sharks, fish, or the company Jack Russell, but touching up "Rusty the Sting Ray." This giant Ray was wider than our car, weighed over 300kg, and was as gentle as a priest at Sunday school. Not to be satisfied with getting caught up in this tourist trap, we headed to One Mile Beach only so i could get stung by a Blue Bottle Jelly Fish. Imagine having a bad sun burn and you friend slap it every couple seconds. Lovely.... 


  1. Why didnt you ask Johanna to pee on your jellyfish-burn? Im sure she´d be delighted to...:)

  2. The bluebottle is actually not a jellyfish, so you're not adviced to pee on it. If it was a jellyfish however, I would be more than happy to pee on it, bad aim or not..
